Municipal Bylaws
Please note that the By-Laws are in PDF format.
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The Township of Admaston/Bromley will make all its online documents available in an accessible format or via appropriate communication supports upon request. Click to view the municipal accessibility plan.
Bylaw Topic | Number | Applicable Fines |
All Terrain Vehicles | By-Law #2004-17 | |
Backyard Chickens | By-Law #2023-61 | Applicable Fines |
Building | By-Law #2017-25 | |
Cannabis: Cultivation, Production & Processing | By-Law #2022-46 | |
Civil Marriage (revised) | By-Law #2009-01 | |
Code of Conduct – Members of Council | By-Law #2019-07 | |
Consolidated Procedural By-Law | By-Law #2022-34 | |
Dog Licensing and Control | By-Law #2014-32 | |
Energy Management Plan | By-Law #2019-31 | |
Fencing By-Law | By-Law #2006-31 | |
Fireworks By-Law | By-Law #2024-23 | Applicable Fines |
Integrity Commissioner | By-Law #2018-36 | |
Load Restrictions for A/B Roads | By-Law #2012-19 | |
Consolidated Open Air Burning | By-Law #2015-35 | |
Parking and Traffic Control | By-Law #2007-64 | |
Procurement Policies and Procedures | By-Law #2020-54 | |
Procedural By-Law (Consolidated) | By-Law #2022-34 | |
Property Standards | By-Law #2018-43 | Applicable Fines |
Refreshment Vehicles (Consolidated) | By-Law #2021-25 | |
Regulations on Fencing | By-Law #2006-31 | |
Renfrew Agreement – Recreation | By-Law #2015-11 | |
Fees & Services (Consolidated) | By-Law # 2023-44 | |
Schedule of Fees for Fire Services | By-Law #2018-45 | |
Tree Canopy Policy | By-Law #2019-17 | |
Waste Management | By-Law # 2015-53 | |
Zoning By-Law (Consolidated) | By-Law #2004-13 | |
Emergency Management | By-Law #2023-49 | |