Fire protection in the Township is provided by a fire station, 3 fire vehicles and 22 volunteers. The Township enjoys the added protection of an Automatic Aid Fire Protection Agreement with the Town of Renfrew, Greater Madawaska Township and Whitewater Region Township. The Fire Department also provides First Response to the Township of North Algona Wilberforce. The Fire Department provides service for 2,800 residents.
Non-Emergency Numbers:
Fire Chief – Bill McHale (613) 281-0562
Deputy Fire Chief – Patrick Donohue
Douglas Fire Station, 5226 Queen Street, Douglas ON.
Fire Marshal Notification 2024-18: Fire Blankets (December 20, 2024)
Fire Permits
The Township of Admaston/Bromley will have fillable online open air burning permits (submitted via email) on our website or you can apply in person at the Township office (477 Stone Rd.)

**Please DOWNLOAD the permit, fill in your information and email the completed permit to**
All residents are reminded that anyone setting or allowing an open-air fire is required to obtain an Open Air Fire Permit from the Township Office.
All open-air fires MUST be reported (name, address) via text/phone call prior to starting the fire.
**Set fines under the Provincial Offences Act have now been established for anyone who violates the Open Air Burning By-Law No. 2015-35.
Open Air Burning:
Click to download Consolidated By-Law #2015-35
Smoke Alarms – It’s the Law:
Under the Ontario Fire Code, “Every Home in Ontario must have a working smoke alarm on every storey and outside all sleeping areas.”
Douglas Fire Department – Project Zero News Release
Fireworks ByLaw:
Click to download By-Law #2024-23
Fire Agreements:
Town of Renfrew
2012-15 Renfrew Fire Agreement
Township of Greater Madawaska
2022-05 Greater Madawaska Fire
2022-12 Schedule A to By-law 2022-12
Township of Whitewater