Public Works
The Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of 41.5 kilometers of paved, 99.5 kilometers of surface treated and 191 kilometers of gravel roads for a total of 332 kilometers of roads in the Township.
Roads Superintendent
(613) 432-3175
Municipal Office:
(613) 432-2885
Hours of Operation:
Summer Hours
Monday to Thursday, May to October
6:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Winter Hours
Monday to Friday, November to April
7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Minimum Maintenance Standards
On November 1, 2002 Regulation 239/02 of The Municipal Act came into force. This regulation contains the minimum maintenance standards for roads based on a classification system. Roads throughout Ontario have been classified based on number of vehicles per day and the posted speed limit. The roads that Admaston / Bromley are responsible for are Class 4.
Restricted Vehicle Load Regulation
In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act and the Township of Admaston / Bromley, By-Law No. 2012-19 will be in effect from March 1st to May 31st inclusive, in each and every year. This By-Law shall not become effective until appropriate signage has been erected, in a conspicuous place. Vehicle loads will be restricted to 5 Tonnes per axle on ALL Township roads.
Click to view By-Law No. 2012-19
Entrance Applications and Culvert Installation
Residents wishing to create an entrance off a Township Road will require an entrance permit, which can be purchased at the Township for $100.00
Click to view By-Law No. 2022-61
9-1-1 Civic Addressing
Signs can be ordered by the Township office at a cost of $27.00 (Plus 13% HST) including installation by the Public Works.
Street Lights
The Township depends on information from the public to advise of streetlights not operating. Please call the Municipal Office, not Hydro One, about the streetlight being out and provide the location and pole number.
Mail Box Policy
Click here to learn more about the mail box policy
Municipal 511 Road Closures
Please click the following link to see up to date Road Closures