By-Law Enforcement
By-Law enforcement is accomplished utilizing the services of specialized professionals which have jurisdiction and authority to administer the by-laws of the Township in the areas of animal control, property standards and general by-law enforcement services.
Municipal Law Enforcement Services (MLES) has been contracted by the Township of Admaston/Bromley to provide by-law services and enforcement for the municipality. MLES investigates complaints, conducts investigations, submits investigation reports and takes appropriate action to prevent a continuation of offence(s) and to resolve matters in a timely and effective manner. All By-Law Enforcement Officers enforce all specified by-laws based on complaints.
The Township of Admaston/Bromley encourages everyone to be good neighbours and communicate with each other to resolve problems without the need for official intervention by enforcement officers. Occasions do arise, however, where it is appropriate to approach By-Law Enforcement for assistance.
Remember, it is important for the complainant to identify themselves, so that an officer can obtain additional information regarding possible by-law violations and so that the officer can advise the complainant of the results of the investigation.
While the Township cannot guarantee that the ideal solution will be attained for every problem; enforcement will be undertaken to the extent possible or required by law.
Complainants can email By-Law Enforcement or leave a voicemail at 613-281-3773.
Dogs Running At Large
The Township of Admaston / Bromley has a By-Law to regulate the keeping and control of dogs in the Municipality.
Please call By-Law Enforcement (MLES) immediately or email. 613-281-3773 or
Residents are reminded that all dogs residing in the Township must be licensed and registered with the Township.
You may register your dog and purchase a tag at one of the following locations:
Municipal Office | 477 Stone Road, RR#2 Renfrew |
Gourley’s Variety | 1564 Highway 132, Renfrew |
Douglas Grocery | 5197 Queen St., Douglas |
Spayed/Neutered Pets |
$20.00 – before April 30th |
Unsterilized Pets |
$25.00 – before April 30th |
Kennel Licenses (Purebred Dogs Only) |
$50.00 and must be obtained at the Municipal Office |
If you prefer to purchase your dog tag(s) by mail, please click to download Dog Tag Order Form. Fill in all the pertinent information then mail it to the Municipal offices with appropriate payment. Your new dog tag(s) and receipt will then be returned by mail.
If you have any further questions, please contact the Municipal Office at 613-432-2885 or email .